Saturday, December 13, 2008

Room 101

MY room 101 would be a room with clowns everywhere. Clown Coming out of the walls and laughing and on the ceiling and oh it would be so scary.

Friday, December 12, 2008


This is Esteban Garcia doing an impersonation of Selena. lol. 

Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas story

It was cold and snowy winter day. I was in 5th period Coach Olsen's class. Mr. K P had just announced that the snow out side had just turned into a category 5 blizzard and that we were going to get let out of school early and we didn't have to come back to school after lunch. Out of joy every kid and there dogs decided to have a snow ball fight when the snow bell rang. The bell rang and everyone rushed to the court yard and began what was one of the funnest snow ball fights i have participated in!

So after the snow ball fight was done with me and some friends decided to go to Ballyhoo and enjoy a nice cup of hot cocoa!! 

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Well we have the traditional foods like turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, cranberry sauce, rolls, yams, sweet potatoes, gravy, green beans, green bean casserole, dressing, stuffing, pumpkin pie, cherry pie, pecan pie, and apple pie. I love to get a big fork and get some turkey some stuffing some dressing some cranberry sauce and some mashed potatoes and just take one big bite of all that!!!! And out of all of these my favorite is Pumpkin pie with whipped cream!!! 

1. Family
2. The Food
3. Giving thanks around the table
4. Eating all day
5. The Food
6. The treasure Hunt
7. Treasure Hunt
8. Christmas lights
9. Family
10. Macy's thanksgiving parade.

Friday, November 21, 2008

My Parachute Packers

My Parachute Packers are... 

Jesus Christ
My Mom, My siblings...
Norma. Ana. Issac.
My teachers...
My Friends....
Jake, Luis, Maci, Kassandra, April, Brant, Est, Eryka.

But out of all these people the person who has packed the most love into my parachute would have to be my mom!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I think that kid was dumb for dressing like Hitler. He should have been the only one to get punished. 

1. candy
2. costumes
3. "mean girls" Party
4. Haunted Houses
5. Scary movies
6. A new Saw Movie
7. Trick r' treating
8. candy
9. the weather
10. Memories 

Friday, November 7, 2008

Senior Pep rally

So the more i think about tonight and the pep rally the more emotional it gets. I know i'm not gonna cry because thats dumb im going to see everyone the next day, but it is sad at the same time cuz this is our last home football game. Oh and im really looking forward to running the field.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Weeeeell.... I really don't now.

Coach Rhodes is a great Coach, Teacher, And Friend. My favorite memories of Coach Rhodes are the ones of him teaching us world geography. It was so much fun! He had something funny to say about everything. lol.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Story Time!!!

So is the story of a girl... who cried a river and drowned the whole world!!! lol, jk. 

Once upon there was a boy and went to a school were the teachers were awesome and they had 30 minute lunches and it was great. And they had awesome laptops that were the greatest thing ever givin to the students at this school.

Friday, October 3, 2008


Well i was born April 26, 1991!!! My B-day is in the spring!!!! My sign is Taurus!!! Im 17!!! Since i was about 13 i stopped celebrating my B-day. I didnt really stop, i just dont throw like a party or anything. Im like " mother father can i have ________?" And i get it!!!! lol. 

Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday night lights

the 10 things i love about fridays!!!!

1. Pep rallys
2. marching the halls
3. road trips
4. football game
5. playing with the band in the stands
6. parties after the game
7. school is easy
8. knowing tomorrow is saturday
9. last day of the weak.
10. marching with the band.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Its my life

The future... omg. Just the thought gets me sad. I don't like to think about it. And that's prolly not good, but my life is so good right now. I'm 17!!!! Its the perfect age! I don't have to worry about house bills and car payments and all this other stuff my parents tell me about. Life is simple right now and i love it. I'm really trying to soak it all in while I can. But yeah i guess stuff like this blog just makes me realize how it's not going to be simple for long. :( I really hope that 20 years from now ill be doing what i love. What that is I'm not sure yet.  Hopefully ill have a super hot wife! And we'll make beautiful children. And we'll go to church every sunday. And yeah live the good life. But whatever happens in the future, good or bad; it would be what i make of it. 

Friday, September 5, 2008


So the whole bonfire situation is really sad. I completely understand why we arent having one. Its just crazy that it had to be our senior year. I was trying to think of things to do and i read some people talking about a dance, thats cool; but what comes to my mind when i think of alternatives for this bonfire is FIRE! Some other form of blazing flames, maybe like having an old car and people pay for one hit with a bat, once the car is all messed up we burn it up in flames. But see that might be the same thing as a bonfire. I was also thinking about fireworks. like a black out pep rally in the football stadium and then an awseome fireworks show. And mabye we could still have the lighting of the CHS sign thing. Pretty much come as close as we can to have gathering with the band and the cheerleaders but no BIG bonfire.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


So for any of ya"ll bobcat fans who went to the game Friday in Amarillo, y'all prolly saw and heard how not so good the band was that night. :( We didn't wear our new uniforms we didn't march and we really messed up on the star-spangled banner. And I'm going to confess to all blogger's reading this blog, I Salvador arcivar am the one to blame for that. See what happened was i was'nt counting and me and Jake came in way to early. Any ways that's in the past and theres nothing i can do but to look back and learn from my mistakes and improve. And that's exactly what the band is doing! We are really working hard on making a comeback! We have our first song and its seven sets on the Field and it's pretty neat! We sound pretty good. We got some new stand music, and We finally get to wear our spankin new uniforms!!! They are soo cool! So I'm kinda excited for tomorrow and i hope to see allot of people there! Please watch the band and comment me and tell me what y'all think!

Friday, August 29, 2008

First week

Today is friday August 29, 2008! It's been an awesome first weak! Yesterday was camo day and it was super fun. lol. But yeah my week was pretty awsome I had fun seeing all my friends and trying to make new ones. Im really excited for tonight! UHH i love friday nights! The smell of pride in the air, the sound of the bands awseome music, and the sight of dedicated Bobcat fans in blue and an awesome football team leading the road to victory and i now "this is the start of a great school year"!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Free Period

So most seniors get 8th period free!!! So right now I'm at home relaxing doing some homework and blogging!! LOL! It's pretty cool. And now I'm talking to my cousin Brenda Arcivar! She's 19 and all ready has a baby!!(Random)lol. She got pregnant her senior year in high school to the love of her life JC Modesto. Their really awesome. But yeah i've been doin this for three days now and i think i can get really used to this FREE period!

First blog

This is my official first blog!! So pretty sure I'm super excited for lunch cause I'm really hungry. Ahaha... lol. So this is my 3rd day as a senior in high school. Its going pretty good. I have three DC(Dual Credit) classes and college algebra, and pretty sure College Algebra is all ready starting to make me panic. :( I really am not looking forward to crying every night. Lol. But I think it will all pay off in the long run! But the bell is bout to ring-a-ding so c-ya.